Dr. Jasmin Breitwieser
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Post-Doc
Individualisierte Förderung
+49 (0)69-24708-375
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Ausgewählte Publikationen
Breitwieser, J., Nobbe, L., Biedermann, D., & Brod, G. (2023). Boosting self-regulated learning with mobile interventions: Planning and prompting help children maintain a regular study routine. Computers & Education.
Theobald, M., Bäulke, L., Bellhäuser, H., Breitwieser, J., Mattes, B., Brod, G., Daumiller,M., Dresel, M., Liborius, P., & Nückles, M. (2023). A Multi-Study Examination of Intra-Individual Feedback Loops Between Competence and Value Beliefs, Procrastination, and Goal Achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
Amaefule, C. O., Breitwieser, J., Biedermann, D., Nobbe, L., Drachsler, H., & Brod, G. (2023). Fostering children’s acceptance of educational apps: The importance of designing enjoyable learning activities. British Journal of Educational Technology.
Breitwieser, J., Brod, G. (2022). The interplay of motivation and volitional control in predicting the achievement of learning goals: An intraindividual perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance Online Publication.
Theobald, M., Breitwieser, J., & Brod, G. (2022). Test anxiety does not predict exam performance when knowledge is controlled for: Strong evidence against the interference hypothesis of test anxiety. Psychological Science.
Breitwieser, J., Neubauer, A., Schmiedek, F., Brod, G. (2022). Self-regulation prompts promote the achievement of learning goals – but only briefly: Uncovering hidden dynamics in the effects of a psychological intervention. Learning and Instruction.
Breitwieser, J., Brod, G. (2020): Cognitive prerequisites for generative learning: Why some learning strategies are more effective than others. Child Development.
Brod, G., Breitwieser, J., Hasselhorn, M., Bunge, S. (2020). Being proven wrong elicits learning in children – but only in those with higher executive function skills. Developmental Science.
Breitwieser, J., Neubauer, A., Schmiedek, F., Brod, G. (2020). Self-regulation prompts promote the achievement of learning goals – but only briefly: Uncovering hidden dynamics in the effects of a psychological intervention. PsyArxiv.