Individualized Interventions Lab

The overarching goal of the Lab is to develop psychological interventions that improve the educational prospects of children. We are convinced that interventions are most effective when they are tailored to the individual child. Effective individualization not only considers the cognitive prerequisites of a learner at a particular point in time, but also takes into account that these prerequisites may change quickly. Such a dynamic form of individualization is made possible by the advent of educational technologies. We, thus, make extensive use of technology that helps to integrate individualized interventions into the daily routine of school children.

In our research, we focus particularly on two prerequisites that are known to develop rapidly across childhood: children’s prior knowledge and their self-regulatory abilities. We develop and test methods to successfully activate prior knowledge in children, which facilitates knowledge acquisition. We also develop and test interventions that improve children’s self-regulatory processes during learning.

Current projects:

Finalized projects:

Selected Publications

Nobbe, L., Breitwieser, J., Biedermann, D., & Brod, G. (2024). Smartphone-based study reminders can be a double-edged sword. npj Science of Learning.

Brod, G. (2024). There Are Multiple Paths to Personalized Education, and They Should Be Combined. Current Directions in Psychological Science.

Theobald, M., Colantonio, J., Bascandziev, I., Bonawitz, E. & Brod, G. (2024). Do reflection prompts promote children’s conflict monitoring and revision of misconceptions? Child Development.

Amaefule, C.O., Breitwieser, J., Biedermann, D., Nobbe, L., Drachsler, H., Brod, G. (2023). Fostering children’s acceptance of educational apps: The importance of designing enjoyable learning activities. British Journal of Educational Technology.

Theobald, M., Bäulke, L., Bellhäuser, H., Breitwieser, J., Mattes, B., Brod, G. , Daumiller, M., Dresel, M., Liborius, P., & Nückles, M. (2023). A Multi-Study Examination of Intra-Individual Feedback Loops Between Competence and Value Beliefs, Procrastination, and Goal Achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology.

Breitwieser, J., Nobbe, L., Biedermann, D., & Brod, G. (2023). Boosting self-regulated learning with mobile interventions: Planning and prompting help children maintain a regular study routine. Computers & Education.

Brod, G., Greve, A., Jolles, D., Theobald, M., & Galeano-Keiner, E.M. (2022). Explicitly predicting outcomes enhances learning of expectancy-violating information. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Breitwieser, J., & Brod, G. (2022). The interplay of motivation and volitional control in predicting the achievement of learning goals: An intraindividual perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Theobald, M., Breitwieser, J., & Brod, G. (2022). Test anxiety does not predict exam performance when knowledge is controlled for: Strong evidence against the interference hypothesis of test anxiety. Psychological Science.

Breitwieser, J., Neubauer, A.Schmiedek, F.Brod, G. (2022). Self-regulation prompts promote the achievement of learning goals – but only briefly: Uncovering hidden dynamics in the effects of a psychological intervention. Learning and Instruction.

Brod, G. (2021). Predicting as a learning strategy. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Theobald, M., Brod, G. (2021). Tackling scientific misconceptions: The element of surprise. Child Development.

Brod, G. (2020). Generative learning: which strategies for what age? Educational Psychology Review.

Tetzlaff, L., Schmiedek, F. & Brod, G. (2020). Developing personalized education: A dynamic framework. Educational Psychology Review.

Our Team

Picture showing Garvin Brod

Garvin Brod
Head of Lab

Picture showing Maria Theobald

Lucas Lörch
Academic Staff Post-Doc

Picture showing Maria Theobald

Carlo Vreden
Academic Staff Post-Doc

Picture showing Leonard Tetzlaff

Elfriede Holstein
Academic Staff Pre-Doc

Picture showing Leonard Tetzlaff

Theresa Nett
Technical Research Assistant

Picture showing Maria Theobald

Maria Theobald

Associate Post-Doc

Picture showing Elena Galeano-Keiner

Elena Galeano-Keiner
Associate Post-Doc

Picture showing Jasmin Breitwieser

Jasmin Breitwieser
Academic Staff Post-Doc

Picture showing Lea Nobbe

Lea Nobbe
Academic Staff Pre-Doc

Picture showing Lea Nobbe

Mirijam Schaaf
Academic Staff Pre-Doc

Picture showing Lea Nobbe

Ann-Kathrin Krause
Academic Staff Pre-Doc

Picture showing Maria Theobald

Academic Staff Pre-Doc

Picture showing Leonard Tetzlaff

Leonard Tetzlaff
Associate Post-Doc