Project iLearn

Individual Formative Assessment for Adaptive Support of Children with Reading Difficulties

This project evaluates the potential of computerized formative assessment to support reading acquisition of children with reading difficulties. Formative assessment enables teachers to adapt their teaching methods to the individual learning progress of their students.

Project Description
iLearn evaluates the impact of formative assessment on reading development in children with reading difficulties. Formative assessment is a tool that enables teachers to track the learning progress of their students on a regular basis. It has repeatedly been shown to increase individual support and reading progress in regular classrooms. The target group of iLearn are children with reading difficulties. In addition, cognitive abilities are assessed and the research team evaluate whether formative assessment leads to a more precise measurement of reading abilities in children with multilingual backgrounds.

Principal Investigators
Garvin Brod
Marcus Hasselhorn

Project Team
Alexandra Schmitterer
Leonard Tetzlaff

Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Stiftung Mercator

Selected Publications

Tetzlaff, L., Schmiedek, F. & Brod, G. (2020). Developing personalized education: A dynamic framework. Educational Psychology Review.

iLearn is part of the IDeA Research Center