DIPF podcast "Sitzenbleiben" with the topic procrastination

As part of the parents‘ consultation at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Dr Lena Wieland talks about the topic of procrastination, the behaviour of deliberately postponing tasks or decisions and what those affected can do about it.

The potential of mobile interventions for education

Mobile devices are ubiquitous, but their potential for adaptive educational interventions remains largely untapped. Dr Jasmin Breitwieser, Dr Andreas Neubauer, Prof Dr Florian Schmiedek and Prof Dr Garvin Brod identify three main promises of mobile interventions for educational research and practice: 1) intervening when it is most beneficial (i.e. ‘just-in-time adaptivity’), 2) assessing causal effects of interventions in ecologically valid settings, 3) considering the impact of context on the effectiveness of interventions. We discuss the challenges and next steps to advance this area.

Learning comic on self-organised learning published

To illustrate the concept of self-organised learning for pupils, Solveig Gresselmeyer has created the learning comic “From learning grouch to learning ninja – a short guide to self-organised learning” in collaboration with the Individualized Interventions Lab. We are pleased to be able to share the publication in German language with you. This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 DE.